2024 Return to Classes Schedule
Welcome back everyone!
We are recommencing our syllabus in 2024 as follows:
09/01/2024 (7:00PM - 10:00PM)
Long Sword Classes Recommence in Footscray - Long Sword Fundamentals Course
13/01/2024 (11:00AM - 2:00PM)
Long Sword Classes Recommence in Kew - Long Sword Fundamentals Course
Long Sword instruction recommences on Tuesdays in Footscray (at Victoria Universty Footscray Park Campus, Building L, Level 4) and on Saturdays in Kew (at the 1st Kew Scout Hall).
Classes will cover the fundamentals of fencing Long Sword and will integrate new fencers into our ongoing syllabus.
11/01/2022 (7:00PM - 10:00PM)
Duelling Sword Classes Recommence in Footscray - Introducing Late German Dueling Swords
From Thursday 11 January 2024 onwards, ordinary Duelling Sword classes will resume at our Footscray Location (Victoria University Footscray Park)
This class will introduce both Sabre (Hiebfechten) and Smallsword (Stossefechten). It will proceed in its ordinary format, covering Sabre in the first 1.5 hours and Smallsword in the second 1.5 hours.
This class will provide the absolute basics of the two fencing styles covered, and will serve as a fantastic introduction to both fencing styles, providing an ideal opportunity for new students to determine if they are interested in one or both of the stules offered.
We look forward to seeing you all again!